Your business is unique (just like everyone else’s)
That’s why AgentSync offers different flavors of compliance management solutions that help insurance organizations find the perfect way to partner for real-time, streamlined, automated compliance. Read on for a deeper dive into the differences between AgentSync Manage, AgentSync Manage with AutoPilot, and ProducerSync API.
Every insurance business has its own unique needs, but one thing that’s constant is the need for all active producers, adjusters, and dually licensed broker-dealers to be in full compliance with their resident and nonresident states’ licensing requirements. And that means before, during, and after a sale or claim.
Achieving that consists of having a valid license for each line of business across all necessary states and territories, being current on continuing education credits, having the required carrier appointments, making sure there’s a designated responsible licensed producer (DRLP) when needed…and more.
Anyone who’s dealt with compliance from any direction (licensee, compliance manager, or regulator) will agree that it’s complex and ever-evolving. Many also find it slow, tedious, and nerve-wracking to manage. Thankfully, there’s a way to take the pain out of compliance with modern insurance infrastructure that streamlines and automates the majority of an insurance agency, carrier, or MGA’s compliance needs – from producer and adjuster onboarding to ready-to-sell status, commission payouts, license renewals, terminations, and everything in between.
AgentSync is one such option for wrangling producer, adjuster, and broker-dealer compliance at insurance agencies, carriers, and MGAs/MGUs. But what if “one option” isn’t enough to meet every organization’s needs? The fact is, it’s not! That’s why we’re excited to offer a variety of services to fit every organization and its compliance management needs.
From white-glove service with AutoPilot to self-service with ProducerSync API, AgentSync has what it takes to create efficiencies and cost savings at any insurance business.

It all starts with AgentSync Manage
AgentSync Manage is the modern answer to the question “How do I make sure my producer and adjuster license compliance is buttoned up, without hours of manual effort?”
With Manage:
- Insurance carriers can instantly view accurate-to-the-day statuses of their agency and agent partners’ licenses and appointments via a direct link to NIPR and FINRA data.
- Insurance agencies can clearly see which producers are ready to sell, and what requirements need to be met if they’re not.
- Licensed producers have self-service access to a custom portal for onboarding and ongoing management of their own information.
- Insurance carriers can initiate Just-in-Time (JIT) appointments to save money on state appointment fees for producers that haven’t ever sold a product.
- Insurance agencies and carriers can scale their producer and adjuster force up and down instantly by activating and deactivating people with one click.
Ultimately, AgentSync Manage allows insurance carriers, agencies, and MGAs to easily manage compliance in-house with their current staff. It eliminates the need for temps, contractors, or expensive outside compliance managers by getting rid of the manual effort many compliance teams put in today, just to keep on top of their producer licenses and appointments.
“I can manage all of our licenses by myself. I wouldn’t be able to do that if not for AgentSync, or I would work 100 hours a week and I would still be behind. The system is just very manageable and so easy.”
Carrie DeHaven, Director of Agency Operations, EverQuote
AgentSync Manage is ideal for a variety of companies.
There’s no hard and fast rule for when an insurance business will benefit more from AgentSync Manage versus AutoPilot versus ProducerSync API. What we can give you, however, are a couple of examples of who’s using Manage and how it benefits them.
Why insurance carriers and MGAs choose AgentSync Manage
From a carrier or MGA perspective, compliance risk and cost are two of the most important factors that go into deciding how to handle licensing and appointment compliance. Large and small carriers, legacy carriers, and tech-forward carriers and MGAs all choose AgentSync Manage because it allows them to amplify their current staff’s capabilities without amplifying their cost.
Teams that previously struggled to make sure agents and adjusters in a single state were licensed and appointed properly can now easily manage producers and adjusters across all 50 states. And they can do it without temps, contractors, or third-party consultants, while also reallocating staff who were once relegated to data verification to more strategic positions.
Another essential benefit that comes with AgentSync Manage is the freedom from worry about each new state insurance regulation that comes down the pike. Whereas carriers and MGAs have historically spent time (and money) keeping tabs on state regulatory developments and trying to interpret how new laws impact their business, AgentSync Manage bakes each new regulation into the software. This takes the guesswork, and the need to “play lawyer,” out of the already-long list of carrier and MGA responsibilities.
“AgentSync saves me hours upon hours of time just by not having to repeatedly enter the same background check information into different state websites.”
AgentSync Manage customer
Why insurance agencies choose AgentSync Manage
Without a solution like Manage, insurance agencies of all sizes struggle with the constant job of getting new producers onboarded and ready to sell, making sure their licenses are in good standing in every state and for every line of business, monitoring license renewal and CE deadlines, and so much more. It’s a job that easily takes a whole team of people and still leaves room for human error when it relies on people visiting multiple state websites, cross-referencing internal spreadsheets, and hunting down information from producers.
Manage removes the paper chase, the time and cost of data entry and re-entry, and the risk of someone falling out of compliance and through the cracks. Insurance agencies with at least one internal compliance role choose AgentSync Manage to augment their staff with a solution that takes the difficult and time-consuming pieces off their plate.
“My job has gone from having to reach out constantly to producers and adjusters to get a piece of information or an answer to a question, to just being able to tell them to go check the AgentSync portal, give them a link, and let them handle updates themselves.”
AgentSync Manage customer
Regardless of who’s using it, AgentSync Manage provides a modern and intuitive interface through which producers, adjusters, and agency and carrier compliance staff can manage the entire license lifecycle with less time and effort than they ever imagined.
White-glove service with AgentSync’s AutoPilot
Starting with our core product, AgentSync Manage, our AutoPilot service adds a layer of expert support that takes an even greater load off internal staff. Every AutoPilot customer gets an AutoPilot Representative in addition to their regular Customer Success Manager. This means compliance at your agency, carrier, or MGA can be as hands-off as you want it to be.
Some customers prefer to let their AutoPilot team run everything, while others want AutoPilot to do the heavy lifting and allow their internal team to weigh in on things when they’re mostly complete. Either way, AutoPilot turns the job of managing compliance from one that requires ongoing active management to “set it and forget” status. While you can forget about it, you never have to worry about compliance falling by the wayside, thanks to the AutoPilot team at the wheel.
“I love AgentSync’s AutoPilot team! Our compliance team is very small and they’re like an extension of us. With AutoPilot, compliance really is ‘set it and forget it’ – they just run with it and it takes so much off my plate.”
Stephanie Davis, Paralegal, Omaha National Group
AgentSync AutoPilot is great for companies of all sizes
White-glove service isn’t just for the largest companies. Many customers choose AgentSync AutoPilot regardless of their size because they want their staff’s time to be dedicated to functions that grow revenue, create new product offerings, or otherwise foster innovation. While AgentSync Manage alone dramatically lessens the burden of compliance for internal teams, adding AutoPilot takes it entirely off their plates.
Why small insurance organizations choose AgentSync AutoPilot
Small insurance agencies, carriers, and MGAs are running lean on a good day. One employee often wears many hats, but that can get risky when one of those hats is “compliance manager.” Compliance isn’t a part-time job, or something you can let sit for days or weeks.
So, when smaller insurance organizations find they have to choose between hiring more staff , bringing on temps, or contracting with expensive vendors just to keep on top of licenses and appointments, AgentSync AutoPilot is often the most cost-effective route that doesn’t compromise a single bit on the level of compliance they maintain.
“You might think you can do something cheaper by keeping it in-house, but you don’t bill for your own time. If you look at what the company pays me per hour, it would be a lot more than AgentSync if I had to spend my time on licensing. And AgentSync is already significantly less than the vendor we had before.”
AgentSync AutoPilot customer
Why large insurance organizations choose AgentSync AutoPilot
Typically, the larger the business, the more agents and adjusters it deals with. Large carriers have hundreds or thousands of producers at their downstream agency partners; the largest independent insurance agencies have multiple hundreds, or thousands of producers across the country. With that many producers (and adjusters, and dually licensed broker-dealers) to keep track of, these insurance businesses can’t possibly be doing it by hand.
And sometimes, “not doing it by hand” still isn’t good enough. When a large insurance organization is looking for the highest level of done-for-you compliance, AgentSync AutoPilot delivers. With AutoPilot, customers still have full access to the entire AgentSync Manage platform, and the ability to do as much as they want within it. But they also have the convenience of an entire team to run the day-to-day work, so they can spend their valuable time on other parts of their job.
“We chose to go with AgentSync’s Autopilot offering because I just didn’t want to have to think about licenses and compliance. I wanted self-service access to answer questions and run reports, but I also wanted to know that if I needed anything I’d have an extremely responsive and knowledgeable resource I could get in touch with quickly”
AgentSync AutoPilot customer
ProducerSync API: The power of AgentSync connected to your systems
While AgentSync Manage and AutoPilot are perfect solutions for insurance organizations that want a one-stop shop for viewing and acting on all their producer compliance management duties, some companies have existing ecosystems and don’t want or need to reinvent the wheel. For these use cases, ProducerSync API offers a solution that enhances an agency’s or carrier’s current compliance management with unparalleled quality data.
ProducerSync API is a modern REST API that provides access to licensing, appointing, and other producer data from the industry’s single source of truth, the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR). ProducerSync API makes it easy for users to have this up-to-date producer data straight from NIPR with a simple API integration.
AgentSync also contextualizes the data to accelerate speed to market and reduce overhead for users. This creates greater actionability that makes customer operations more efficient, enables better-informed decisions, and drives down unwanted business risk. Simply put, ProducerSync API embeds AgentSync’s expertise in compliance within an organization’s existing systems and processes.
ProducerSync API can meet you where you’re at
For large and small insurance businesses, ProducerSync API can be the additional piece you need to take producer compliance to a whole new level. While there’s no organization too large or too small to benefit from ProducerSync API, you’ll want to speak with an expert at AgentSync to determine if it’s the right fit for your specific needs.
Why small insurance organizations choose ProducerSync API
While AgentSync Manage gives users a single place to view and transact with NIPR data, some companies don’t need the transactional functions and prefer to simply use the data to power efficiency in their current processes. This may be due to a company’s size, with smaller companies needing to address their most immediate pain point (access to up-to-date producer data) before reaching a point in their growth where implementing the entire AgentSync Manage solution makes sense.
ProducerSync API is also the fastest way to start getting value from always-accurate NIPR data. With AgentSync’s team working on onboarding and preparing the sync, and the customer team adjusting their internal tech and processes to consume the data, we can get an organization live in just two weeks.
Why large insurance organizations choose ProducerSync API
Some of the largest insurance carriers and agencies have been around for well over a hundred years. This often means they’ve invested millions of dollars and decades into developing the technology they use to power every aspect of their business. It hardly makes sense to throw the baby out with the bathwater, if it’s mostly doing what you need. On the other hand, legacy systems often don’t have the modern capabilities that make managing producer compliance so much more efficient than ever before.
ProducerSync API fills this need precisely because it can be integrated into existing systems. In essence, organizations can power their existing infrastructure with the most modern and accurate industry data.
Larger organizations with bespoke internal software often don’t need the all-in-one platform that AgentSync Manage provides. Rather, they want AgentSync’s data fed into one or many of their existing systems to give actionable insights that staff can then proceed with. Without ProducerSync API, employees spend excessive time moving data from one website, spreadsheet, or system to another. ProducerSync API eliminates the manual work – and the potential for errors – as your systems now include always-updated producer compliance data.
“We wanted to work with someone who would bring the data to us and make it work with the processes we already use. AgentSync brought a willingness to work with our system. We use ALIS for everything, so we knew we needed a partner with a modern and flexible solution, and AgentSync brings that to the table. With the Producer Sync API, we save time, create revenue, and make it easier to do business.”
James Mastowski, President, Chief Information Officer, and Treasurer of Jimcor Agencies.
Which AgentSync solution is right for your company?
With all these possibilities, we’re certain to have a real-time integrated compliance solution that works for your organization. From large to small, legacy tech to new and nimble, we’ve got ways to make compliance faster, easier, and less expensive than your current methods.
If you’re ready to see how AgentSync Manage, AutoPilot, or ProducerSync API can help, contact one of our compliance technology experts today.