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Washington License Revocation and Surrender: Causes for Revocation
For Residents and Non-Residents 2023 WA H.B. 1266(NS)(Effective 7/1/2023) - LICENSE REVOCATION AND SURRENDER: CAUSES FOR REVOCATION - Added that licensees will be able to petition the Commissioner for removal of erroneous administrative actions related to email-based violations from their record.WA ST 48.17.090 (Effective 7/23/2023) - Per 2023 WA H.B. 1061(NS) - REFERENCES - Revised the effective date only. WA ST 48.17.170 (Effective 7/1/2023) - Per 2023 WA H.B. 1266(NS) - INDIVIDUAL NONRESIDENT LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: CHANGE OF INFORMATION - Clarified that email address changes are also subject to the 30-day notification requirement. WA ST 48.17.450 (Effective 7/1/2023) - Per 2023 WA H.B. 1266(NS) - 1) INDIVIDUAL NONRESIDENT LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - Added email address submission requirements and conditions under which the email address will be used for communication. 2) INDIVIDUAL NONRESIDENT LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: PLACE OF BUSINESS - a) Clarified which licensees are subject to the place of business requirement. b) Specified that the place of business must be accessible to the public. WA ST 48.17.475 (Effective 7/1/2023) - Per 2023 WA H.B. 1266(NS) - 1) INDIVIDUAL NONRESIDENT LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: REPORT OF ACTIONS - Deleted citation and timely response requirements because that is out-of-scope for this subsection. 2) LICENSE REVOCATION AND SURRENDER: CAUSES FOR REVOCATION - Added conditions under which failure to timely respond to the Commissioner's inquiry may result in certain administrative actions, including fines and license revocation.
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