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effective date
UPDATE - Mississippi Converting Travel LOA to License Class
Effective date of 08/05/2022 has been announced. Mississippi is converting the Insurance Producer with a Travel LOA to a license class of Limited Lines Travel. A Limited Lines business entity must provide one DRLP that is actively licensed as a Limited Lines Travel Insurance Producer, or Producer with Property and Casualty or Personal Lines.
- For individual Resident, Non-Resident, Resident Renewal, and Non-Resident Renewal application types the License Class will change from **Limited Lines Insurance Producer** to **Limited Lines Travel Insurance Producer**. The LOA will stay the same with Travel. The PDB Codes will update from **4433/54 to 12553/64**. - Resident, Non-Resident, Resident Renewal, and Non-Resident Renewal License Application Fees will be $100 and Late Renewal Fees will be $150. - Appointments and Terminations will have the same License Class update as above(**Limited Lines Insurance Producer **to** Limited Lines Travel Insurance Producer**) and no LOA will be needed. PDB Codes will update from **4433/54 to 12553/236**. - Appointment Fees will be $25 and there will be no charge for Terminations.
AgentSync Actions
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This update has been reviewed by AgentSync compliance experts for industry impact and necessary automation in the AgentSync platform.