Publication Date
effective date
Oklahoma Has Set 2023 Company Appointment Renewal Dates
Update: Effective, November 29, 2023, Oklahoma 2023 Appointment Renewals are now live in Production. - Only appointments with active licenses on PDB will be renewed. - Termination notices for appointments must be received by NIPR no later than November 16, 2023, to allow sufficient time for processing and posting to Producer Database (PDB) before the renewal invoices are created. - On November 24, 2023, the NIPR website will display the invoice and a list of appointments due for renewal. - Appointment renewal fees will be due by 4 P.M. Central Time January 02, 2024. - All appointments will be terminated if the invoice is not paid by January 02, 2024. - Appointments will not be renewed if the payment is less than the invoice total. - Appointment renewal and NIPR processing fees are non-refundable. Please contact on a dispute regarding a specific appointment with documentation to verify a previously terminated appointment BEFORE paying invoice.
AgentSync Actions
Our compliance experts are constantly searching for and analyzing industry updates. Their findings are then recorded in the Regulatory Updates section of the Compliance Library to explain how the update impacts the insurance industry. If a change impacts an AgentSync product, this will be highlighted to inform you that the product is being updated to ensure you remain in compliance.
This update has been reviewed by AgentSync compliance experts for industry impact and necessary automation in the AgentSync platform.
Appointments & Terminations