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New Mexico Notice of a Cyber Incident Affecting Internal System Networks
On September 29, 2023, New Mexico sent an urgent notice indicating that it had detected a cyber incident on its network.
The Office of Superintendent of Insurance (OSI), which regulates the insurance industry in New Mexico, has detected a cyber incident on its network. The agency has taken immediate action to address the incident, contacting law enforcement, the state Department of Information Technology (DolT) and third party forensic experts for analysis. OS is investigating the incident with the assistance of these experts to determine if any data has been extracted. OSI IT staff are working diligently with state Dolt officials and external IT security experts. OSt expects its website, staff emails, and office phone systems to be operational by early next week. As soon as additional details are available, OSt will provide an update to the public. Media Contact. Jessica Preston Acting Public Information Officer (505) 699 - 2262 [](
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