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California to Remove Non-Uniform Questions Related to Surplus and Special Lines
California is removing Non-Uniform questions related to Surplus and Special lines. This will apply to the individual entity type. A business rule is being added stating the required bond needing to be on file with the state in order for the license request to be approved. The questions to be removed asked about the bonds existence. Effective Date not yet announced.
**Summary of Changes: ** - New Rule confirming that a bond or eligible agency association on record for surplus lines and special lines (Resident and Non-Residents) - Removing Non-Uniform Question that 1) confirms they are an individual applicant renewing surplus or special lines license on behalf of a Surplus Line Broker business entity and 2) Has a bond on file **Fee Rules: ** - $1296 is qualifying individual has bond on record - $ 646 if no qualified individual bond is on file, but a qualifying affiliated agency is on file
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This update has been reviewed by AgentSync compliance experts for industry impact and necessary automation in the AgentSync platform.