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California Issues a Reminder to Update Background Information and Report Changes
California requires all licensees (residents and non-residents) to report any changes in background information to CDI within 30 days of learning of the change.
Read below for a summary of the changes or see the attached document for the original reminder. **Consequences: ** Failure to report within 30 days may lead to revocation, suspension, restriction of a license, and a monetary penalty. **Background Changes that Need to be Reported: ** - Felony and misdemeanor convictions - Filing of criminal charges - Administrative actions regarding any professional or occupational license which includes actions against an insurance license - Licensee's discharge (or attempt) in a bankruptcy proceeding, or an obligation regarding insurance premiums or fiduciary funds owed to a company - Any situation of fraud, misappropriation or conversion of funds, misrepresentation, or breach of fiduciary duty To report a change to the CDI, use the background change disclosure form on the CDI's website or via NIPRs Reporting of Actions option online. If changes involve a licensee or applicant who is listed as an endorsee on a business entity license, the notice of background change must also be provided to the business entity.
AgentSync Actions
Our compliance experts are constantly searching for and analyzing industry updates. Their findings are then recorded in the Regulatory Updates section of the Compliance Library to explain how the update impacts the insurance industry. If a change impacts an AgentSync product, this will be highlighted to inform you that the product is being updated to ensure you remain in compliance.
This update has been reviewed by AgentSync compliance experts for industry impact and necessary automation in the AgentSync platform.