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California Added Examination Language Requirements
California Communicates Additional Foreign Language Requirements for Examinations. This is an update from December 1, 2023 related to the original notice posted on September 19, 2023 by California Department of Insurance. Producer license examinations must be provided in certain languages as discussed below. a. Beginning 1/1/2024, the Life Agent, Life - Limited to the Payment of Funeral and Burial Expenses, Disability Analyst, Accident and Health or Sickness Agent, Property Broker - Agent, Personal Lines, Limited Lines Auto, Commercial and Casualty Broker - Agent examinations must be provided in English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean. b. On or after 7/1/2024, the Life Agent, Life - Limited to the Payment of Funeral and Burial Expenses, Disability Analyst, Accident and Health or Sickness Agent, Property Broker - Agent, Personal Lines, Limited Lines Auto, Commercial and Casualty Broker - Agent examinations must be provided in Tagalog. Scheduling for the new license examinations will be available starting on Friday, December 15, 2023 Please see attached for more details.
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