We the representatives of insurance agencies, carriers, brokers, and producers across the nation, in solemn congress assembled, find it necessary to declare our independence from the outdated practices that have shackled our industry for too long.
Do you think this is perhaps a bit on the dramatic side for a blog that’s centered on insurance + technology + regulation? Considering that one of the best statements of freedom in U.S. history was a vandalism tea party about taxes, pairing the staid topics of insurance compliance with the drama of a declaration feels just about as American as apple pie.
So, to honor the spirit of 1776 and celebrate this holiday in true AgentSync fashion, we’re riffing off of the OGs of the U.S. insurance market and throwing off the tyranny of outdated tech.
If you’re ready to stop paying the cost of slower, inefficient processes and achieve compliance mastery for your brokers, producers, and adjusters with streamlined tech, schedule an AgentSync demo.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all professionals within our field are created equal, and they are endowed by the innovation of our era with certain unalienable rights, among these are the right to efficiency, the opportunity for growth, and the pursuit of streamlined processes.
To secure these rights, modern technologies are instituted within our profession, deriving their just powers from the needs of our industry and the consent of those we serve.
But when a long train of inefficiencies and outdated systems evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such systems, and to provide new technologies with faster and unburdened capabilities for their future security.
The Founding Fathers could have gone along to get along, but they were tired of it. They wanted freedom! The freedom to self govern! Similarly, it’s time for insurance professionals to grasp their own freedom; from people dealing with broker and producer management processes that use digital faxing to operations teams slogging through compliance systems that were built in the 1990s.
No longer must we toil with manual, paper-based processes that take weeks of data-gathering to complete a single onboarding profile. No more must we run from printer to computer to post office and back. Never again should a broker or producer have to call to correct information that’s easily verifiable in industry sources of truth!
Such has been the patient sufferance of these professionals; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of record keeping. We find ourselves constrained to reject the current state of compliance operations, for it has become a history of outdated practices, inefficiencies, and encumbrances. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world:
- They should not have to suffer the indignity of entering data into multiple systems by hand, a laborious process that is as fraught with potential error as it is with tedium.
- Nor should they be compelled to manually cross-reference and fact-check across multiple systems to ensure a producer is properly licensed in every state they’re selling insurance. This is an unnecessary burden, draining of precious time and energy that could be better spent in the service of their clients.
- They should not be forced to work with technology that’s 20 or 30 years old, a relic of an age that knew not the efficiency and ease of modern systems.
- They should not have to navigate the labyrinthine structures of outdated licensing and compliance frameworks, nor bear the weight of inconsistent data and the risk of noncompliance that it brings.
- They should not be beholden to paper-laden processes, sifting through endless documents when digital solutions can streamline, simplify, and secure their operations.
- They should not be shackled by the slow processes of producer onboarding, a process that can and should be expedited with modern technology.
This list is by no means exhaustive; the original Declaration of Independence features 27 grievances against the king. We thought we’d stick with just a handful, though, you probably get the point.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the modern Insurance Industry, appealing to the transformative power of technology, solemnly declare that our industry ought to be Free, and that our association with outdated practices and inefficient technologies should be wholly dissolved.
For the support of this Declaration, and with a firm reliance on the capabilities of modern technology, we pledge our commitment to these principles, knowing they will drive our industry to greater heights, greater efficiency, and greater service for those we represent.
Sign your declaration of independence from manual compliance and schedule your demo today to see how AgentSync can make your broker, producer, and adjuster management more streamlined and cost-effective.