Publication Date
effective date
Vermont 2022 Company Appointment Renewal Dates
The Company appointment renewal period is 6/3/22 - 6/30/22.
Termination Deadline: 5/31/22 Renewal Period: 6/3/22 - 6/30/22 New Renewal Date Displayed (after renewal): 6/1/23 Fees (Everyone except MA, VT, and ME carriers): - Bail, Personal Lines, Variable Life and Variable Annuity, Car Rental, Credit, Self Storage, Travel, Title, Portable Electronics, Property, Casualty, Life and Accident & Health or Sickness: $60/LOA Fees (Only MA carriers): - Bail, Personal Lines, Variable Life and Variable Annuity, Car Rental, Credit, Self Storage, Travel, Title, Portable Electronics: $100/LOA - Property & Casualty: $150 total - Life and Accident & Health or Sickness: $100/LOA Fees (Only ME carriers): - Bail, Personal Lines, Variable Life and Variable Annuity, Car Rental, Credit, Self Storage, Travel, Title, Portable Electronics: $70/LOA - Property & Casualty: $70 total - Life and Accident & Health or Sickness: $70/LOA Companies will not be allowed to terminate after the termination deadline. The appointments that are submitted for termination late will be reviewed and included in the 2023 terminations. If you are renewing "property and casualty" or "Life and Accident & Health or Sickness", it is a grouped fee. This means it will be a $60 total charge for both to be renewed.
AgentSync Actions
Our compliance experts are constantly searching for and analyzing industry updates. Their findings are then recorded in the Regulatory Updates section of the Compliance Library to explain how the update impacts the insurance industry. If a change impacts an AgentSync product, this will be highlighted to inform you that the product is being updated to ensure you remain in compliance.
This update has been reviewed by AgentSync compliance experts for industry impact and necessary automation in the AgentSync platform.