Insurtech Agency Customer + AgentSync Manage
An insurtech Agency and headaches by swapping out other compliance vendors for AgentSync.

A quickly-growing Agency is changing the way renters and property owners handle security deposits, making renting more affordable and within reach for many American families. As an insurtech startup, this Agency is no stranger to using modern technology to make people’s lives and jobs easier. Still, the company had been paying multiple vendors to manage its producer and adjuster compliance in more manual ways and with less-than-ideal results.
When an experienced compliance manager joined the Agency, she made the case for replacing multiple incumbent vendors with one simple solution for all of the Agency’s license compliance needs.
Since going live with AgentSync, this Agency has:
- Eliminated multiple third-party compliance management vendors to improve operational efficiencies;
- Saved money by managing license compliance in-house, faster and more easily than before; and
- Replaced manual and repetitive data entry with the capability for producers, adjusters, and internal staff to enter information one time, in one place.
“For anyone considering AgentSync, I’d say everything – from the number of things you can do in the platform to the support, to the dashboards and reporting capabilities, the ability to see things visually at a glance – it’s great. You absolutely get your money’s worth.”
Compliance Manager
New company, same struggles
Even before joining her new company, this Agency’s compliance manager was no stranger to the challenges of insurance compliance management. Regardless of the company, regardless of the lines of business or the states producers and adjusters are licensed in, the process of applying for insurance licenses has long been known as a manual, tedious, and slow one.
Whether it’s new licenses or renewals, the agency’s new compliance manager has spent more than her fair share of hours bouncing between the NIPR website, state insurance websites, internal documents and spreadsheets, and emails requesting various pieces of information from license applicants themselves.
For this employee, her compliance management nightmare ended when her previous insurance employer implemented AgentSync. So, when she changed companies and found herself once again in the middle of licensing chaos, she made the obvious move and fully overhauled how the Agency leveraged its existing AgentSync subscription.
“When I started here, we had other outside companies managing licenses and renewals for us. In multiple cases, licenses on their renewal docket were about to lapse. It was extremely frustrating to be paying them money and still have to wonder if things might slip through the cracks or incur late fees.”
Compliance Manager
The Agency’s compliance manager is a meticulous person with the attention to detail required to keep an insurance agency’s compliance train on the tracks. Despite the company’s investment in different outside services to manage its producer and adjuster license applications, renewals, and ongoing management, their in-house compliance manager still spent time spot-checking the results to satisfy her own need to stay on top of everything.
And it’s a good thing she did! In more than one case, the compliance manager’s own internal audits uncovered licenses past the typical renewal application window (thereby incurring additional fees or administrative work in some instances) and other issues that she thought would have been eliminated by using other paid professional services.
“It was extremely frustrating to be paying them money and still have to wonder if things were slipping through the cracks,” this compliance manager said of the experience. With her past success using AgentSync, the obvious answer was to fully utilize the groundbreaking solution available to her. The company had bought AgentSync already, but wasn’t leveraging its full potential. And, since the Agency was already spending money on less-than-ideal outside vendors, making the case to transition to AgentSync exclusively wasn’t too difficult.
“When I brought up my AgentSync experience, my boss was just ecstatic,” the compliance manager said. “Not only because I was familiar with it and already knew how to use it, but also that it was going to enable me to just take the reins and own the licensing and renewals.”
With her eyes on the prize, the Agency’s compliance manager began working towards full AgentSync integration, and the whole company officially switched over in February 2023.
An instant improvement
“My job has gone from having to reach out constantly to producers and adjusters to get a piece of information or an answer to a question, to just being able to tell them to go check the AgentSync portal, give them a link, and let them handle updates themselves.”
Compliance Manager
As soon as the company was fully up and running with AgentSync, this part of the compliance manager’s job became a lot more enjoyable. “Using the AgentSync platform has taken a huge burden off of my shoulders,” she said. “Instead of having to go back and forth, gathering information from the agents over time, I have everything built into one place.”
Whereas before, she spent time constantly reaching out to producers and adjusters to ask for information, with AgentSync, she only has to direct them to the portal and let them take care of any necessary updates themselves. Even if the producers don’t self-serve 100 percent of their license needs, the compliance manager said the time-savings on her side are still huge. “AgentSync saves me hours upon hours of time just by not having to repeatedly enter the same background check information into different state websites,” she explains. Instead, she enters each producer’s national producer number and AgentSync populates most of the information for her. Then, she sends each producer a link to complete the rest of their background information.
On top of the substantial time savings, managing licenses and renewals through AgentSync has been more cost-effective and has provided a more transparent view of where each producer and adjuster is in the process. The result is less headaches and fewer sleepless nights for the compliance manager, who no longer fears licenses are slipping through the cracks.
“Using AgentSync absolutely relieves stress on my part,” she said. “When you go to apply for a license you can see it’s pending, or if action’s required, it tells you what you actually need to do. It’s much better than the old way where you have to go on a wild goose chase to figure out which piece of information is missing before you can address it.”
Flexibility to scale up and down with a click
This insurtech startup Agency may not be a super-sized insurance company with thousands of agents to manage, but like many startups, it has periods of expansion and contraction based on market and consumer demand. This makes the ability to quickly scale up and down a valuable feature.
The compliance manager described how quickly she can get new producers licensed and, even more impressively, how she can make someone inactive (and active again) in just one click. This is incredibly helpful for an insurance agency to accommodate any influx of producers or adjusters.
“AgentSync makes it so easy for us to bring on agents, and then if they no longer need to be licensed, it’s just a click of a button to make them inactive. This has really paid off when an agent leaves and comes back later. We just click to make them active again and they’re good to go. No one has to go through the onboarding process all over again.”
Compliance Manager
World class support
“The support at AgentSync is phenomenal. Whenever I reach out with a question, I’ll get detailed instructions, screenshots, articles on how to do it, or sometimes they just do it for me! There’s always going to be weird little issues with technology, but when they do come up the AgentSync team is always very quick to jump into fixing things and keep me up to date on the status.”
Compliance Manager
Even though this Agency’s compliance manager has been using AgentSync for years, she still needs the occasional help. That’s where AgentSync’s “phenomenal” support team comes in. She describes her experience with the best-in-class support team as nothing short of exceptional. “I’ve never been disappointed with the level of support,” she said. “Whenever I need some help, whether it seems to me like the silliest question, or the most complex, everyone’s been super nice and great to work with.”
How AgentSync helps this insurtech startup Agency
- Simplifies producer and adjuster licenses and renewals from multiple vendors into a single source that can be managed in-house.
- Reduces costs and eliminates risks associated with lapsed licenses and missed renewal deadlines.
- Creates a transparent, real-time view into each producer and adjuster’s license status with easy-to-address action items, when needed.
- Provides an exceptional user experience for producers, adjusters, and compliance staff, helping the Agency attract talent in an industry that often puts heavy manual burdens on these roles.

“For anyone considering AgentSync, I’d say everything – from the number of things you can do in the platform to the support, to the dashboards and reporting capabilities, the ability to see things visually at a glance – it’s great. You absolutely get your money’s worth.”
AgentSync Manage eliminates compliance-related complexity in the producer management process.
Learn more about how AgentSync Manage can simplify your producer management workflows here: