An Insurance Services Firm + AgentSync Manage
A leading insurance services firm transforms its insurance adjuster onboarding and management process by cutting out hours of manual labor each week for both internal staff and newly-contracted adjusters.

This AgentSync customer has an active force of over 5,000 independent adjusters, and onboards up to 25 more each week. This number can multiply further when catastrophic events strike, and the firm needs to mobilize hundreds of new adjusters into disaster zones as quickly as possible.
Before AgentSync, the Head of Adjuster Licensing had to dedicate staff and temporary employees to the time-consuming and manual task of verifying adjuster licenses. It was a necessary job that no one wanted to do, and it could have easily occupied one or more full-time employees. The adjuster licensing team leader knew their current methods weren’t sustainable, especially as the company continued to grow, so they pressed their leadership for a solution.
Since partnering with AgentSync for adjuster onboarding and license compliance:
- The organization can offer its independent adjusters a fast and effortless onboarding process that differentiates the firm from its competitors.
- The licensing team has cut hours of manual license verification out of their week, allowing them to spend time recruiting new adjusters.
- The temps hired to pick up workload overflow during a catastrophic event can add more value instead of spending their time manually verifying licenses.
- The team simply doesn’t have to worry about the “what-ifs” of license compliance because AgentSync instantly provides a clear and accurate answer to the question of any adjuster’s license status in each state.
“You can’t put a price on the peace of mind we get knowing that every adjuster is licensed where they need to be, without risk of human error.”
Head of Adjuster Licensing
The important role of Adjusters
Few jobs are more vital when a catastrophe strikes than that of an insurance claims adjuster. Without their work, policyholders can’t get claims paid or begin rebuilding their lives. Even in normal times, an adjuster’s job is central to a functioning insurance business, and like others in the insurance distribution channel, adjusters have to be properly licensed by each state and territory they’re working in. And that is easier said than done on an average day, and especially during times of natural disaster and large-scale property damage.
The Head of Adjuster Licensing at this AgentSync customer is intimately familiar with exactly how much work it takes to maintain a large force of independent adjusters who’re ready to hit the ground when and where they’re needed. One of their primary functions is to recruit new adjusters and get them onboarded and out in the field as quickly as possible. With around 5,000 adjusters currently active, and onboarding an average of 15 to 25 new adjusters in a normal week, the team struggled to keep on top of the extensive compliance management tasks state regulators require.
“We were putting in every single license by hand,” the Head of Adjuster Licensing said, describing how they functioned before AgentSync. “That means going to different systems and databases to verify that each license is active in each state. Some adjusters have 20 licenses and we’re bringing on 15 to 25 new adjusters during an average week, so even if it only takes a few minutes to verify a license, you could be looking at 25 hours a week just verifying licenses by hand.”
And what about the not-so-average weeks? When a catastrophe happens, a major hurricane hitting Florida, for example, the team can find itself needing to onboard several times the typical number of adjusters to meet policyholders’ needs, sometimes as many as 100 in a single day. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day to keep up with verifying adjusters’ licenses across all states when the priority is getting adjusters in the field adjudicating claims as soon as possible.
“When I first started here, I immediately saw the need for a licensing coordinator,” said the Head of Adjuster Licensing. “We really needed a full-time person dedicated to verifying licenses. I knew we’d still have to be ‘all hands on deck’ during a storm, but even just in a normal week, I explained to management that the process was too much not to have someone on it full time.”
A “temporary” solution
The Head of Adjuster Licensing never got the licensing coordinator they were hoping for, but they were able to hire temporary workers to focus on licensing during their times of greatest need. This solution wasn’t ideal for several reasons. One: There’s some inherent level of compliance risk when you’re having temporary employees verify adjuster licenses by hand – a process that’s not always clear-cut and obvious. And two: Other, higher value work, still needs to get done. With temps dedicated to license verification, the team found itself struggling with the exponential increase in other responsibilities that come along with recruiting and onboarding hundreds of new adjusters in a matter of weeks.
Along came AgentSync
While the Head of Adjuster Licensing can’t take credit for finding the solution to their manual licensing management troubles, they certainly reap the benefits. “I didn’t have anything to do with it, actually. I was really pushing for a license coordinator! “My boss at the time came to me and said ‘I found something, so let me know what you think.’ And they’re a senior executive so they’re able to just make those kinds of decisions.”
The next thing they knew, the team had AgentSync, and it was a total game changer, or “a blessing” as they put it. Overnight, managing adjuster license compliance went from a major headache to a simple, quick, and easy part of the job. “I don’t have to worry about whether something’s active or whether the CEs are completed, or anything,” the Head of Adjuster Licensing says. “I just look, and it’s as simple as yes it’s active or no it’s not.”
A win-win for the organization and its adjusters
The internal team aren’t the only ones benefiting from AgentSync. The 5,000-and-growing independent contract adjusters have an easier onboarding process than ever before. And that can make the difference between recruiting the high volume of adjusters the organization needs, or not.
“Adjusters are independent contractors and at the end of the day they’re going to choose to work for the firms that pay them well and make it easy for them,” explained the Head of Adjuster Licensing. “Our pay is competitive, but why would they go through all these extra steps? With AgentSync, we can get their Social Security number from their contract, or if they’ll just type in their NPN, all we have to do is check a little box on our end to make the API work and everything loads up the next day. It’s amazing!”
Goodbye compliance worries
On top of the exceptional experience for both the internal team and the organization’s adjusters, the Head of Adjuster Licensing says the peace of mind is one of the best parts about having AgentSync. Particularly during times of crisis, they’d have to make snap decisions about which state licenses to spend time verifying and which could wait. After all, if an adjuster’s desperately needed in Texas, their New York license isn’t relevant. But this strategy also creates a level of compliance debt, as the verification process gets kicked down the road for later. And it’s not like the team is ever less busy!
With AgentSync, “You can’t put a price on the peace of mind we get knowing that every adjuster is licensed where they need to be, without risk of human error,” the Head of Adjuster licensing said. Plus, “It’s a huge selling point for our carriers. From their perspective, they’ve got this awesome company that’s verifying licenses so none of the adjusters working on their files are even potentially going to not have a valid license.”
How AgentSync helps this customer’s adjuster recruiting team:
- Provides an exceptionally easy and quick adjuster onboarding experience, which differentiates the firm from other companies.
- Saves staff time and frustration in dealing with adjuster license verification across multiple states, and while onboarding tens – or hundreds – of new contract adjusters.
- Eliminates the need to add one, or even two, full-time staff who’d have been dedicated to license verification. Instead, the current staff and temps can perform higher-value work.
How AgentSync helps this customer’s adjuster recruiting team:
- Provides an exceptionally easy and quick adjuster onboarding experience, which differentiates the firm from other companies.
- Saves staff time and frustration in dealing with adjuster license verification across multiple states, and while onboarding tens – or hundreds – of new contract adjusters.
- Eliminates the need to add one, or even two, full-time staff who’d have been dedicated to license verification. Instead, the current staff and temps can perform higher-value work.

“It takes out the risk factor. It takes out human error. It’s just verified and I don’t have to stress about it anymore. And I don’t think you can put a dollar amount on that.”
AgentSync Manage eliminates compliance-related complexity in the producer management process.
Learn more about how AgentSync Manage can simplify your producer management workflows here: