Vicki Schmidt
Kansas Insurance Department Attn: Producers Division
420 Southwest 9th Street
Topeka , Kansas, 66612
Appointments & Terminations
Within 30 days of appointment effective date
Appointments must be submitted within 30 days of the appointment effective date, which is determined by the carrier and listed on the appointment form
$2/LOA domestic $5/LOA foreign and alien
Kansas doesn’t appoint agencies for major lines, but appoints agencies for car rental, credit, portable electronics, self-storage, and title insurances.
Effective date is required and must not be in the future and must be less than 30 days old. Date effective is date supplied on transaction.
Via NIPR Portal
January 2 through March 1
$2 Kansas domiciled company, $5 if not domiciled in Kansas
Voluntary termination; inadequate production; cancelled by general agent; death; company defunct or liquidation; company indebtedness; poor policyholder services; agent moved; appointed in error; request regulatory review
Required and is the date supplied on transaction. Must not be in the future
Agent has 90 days to renew/reinstate an expired license or will lose appointments. Additionally, an appointment is required to maintain producer licensure. License will go inactive if no appointment or affiliation, but it will automatically be reactivated once an affiliation or appointment is made (provided it has not actually expired)
No fee
Email notices are permitted
Within the email body text
Resident New License Insurance Producer: $15
Resident New License Insurance Producer Reapplication fee: $165
Resident New License Excess Lines: $50 (No LOA required)
Nonresident New License Insurance Producer: $50
Nonresident New License Insurance Producer Reapplication: $150
Nonresident New License Excess Lines: $50
Resident Renewal Insurance Producer: $15 Resident Renewal Excess Lines: $50 Nonresident Renewal Insurance Producer: $50 Nonresident Renewal Excess Lines: $50
90 days before expiration
Last day of birth month every 2 years based on year of birth
Late renewal allowed up to one year after expiration
90 days before expiration
Last day of birth month every 2 years based on year of birth
Late renewal allowed up to one year after expiration
Residence, Business, and Mailing
Third Party Administrator, Automobile Liability, General Liability, Fidelity Surety & Forgery Bonds, Glass, Burglary, Theft & Robbery, Boiler & Machinery, Malpractice Liability, Livestock Mortality, Aircraft Liability, Cargo Liability, Windstorm & Hail, Extended Coverage, Additional Perils On Growing, Hail On Growing Crops, Optional Perils, Sprinkler Leakage, Business Interruption, Earthquake, Water Damage, Aircraft Hull, Ocean Marine, Inland Marine, Rain, Automobile Physical Damage, Flood, Homeowners Policies, Risk Retention Group/Excess Lines- For Licensing Purposes, Personal Lines-For Licensing Purposes, Self-Service Storage - For Licensing Purposes, Public Adjuster, Bail Bonds, Motor Club Agent, Surplus Lines, Life, Insurance Producer, Workers Compensation, Viatical Producer, Travel, Fire, Credit, Accident & Health, Viatical Broker
Included in Producer License Class. Insurers are not required to appoint Brokers per NAIC PLMA
K.S.A. 40-4902(k) defines an “insurance agent” as “any person required to be licensed under the provisions of chapter 40 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, to sell, solicit or negotiate insurance. For the purposes of the uniform agents licensing act, whenever the terms “agent” or “broker” appear in chapter 40 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, each term means insurance agent unless the context requires otherwise…” As a result, Kansas requires any agency or individual that is selling, soliciting, or negotiating in the business of insurance to obtain an insurance producer’s license. An insurance producer license in Kansas allows a licensee to sell, solicit, and negotiate insurance business for the carrier, the insured or other parties in which it has proper authority
Yes, for Resident Licensing
Required with Application - Fingerprints will be taken by local law enforcement and mailed to KS Department of insurance where the fingerprint cards can be obtained.
One Year
Applicants who are not U.S. citizens must provide proof of eligibility to work in the U.S. Please submit legible copies of documents establishing your work eligibility (e.g., Work Visa/Green Card) to the NIPR Attachments Warehouse Additional Documents.
Tax clearance
NIPR Gateway
Resident State Fees
A licensee must report a name and/or address change in writing to the Department within 30 days. Contact Change Request supported via NIPR Gateway.
Individual and Business Entities can process via NIPR
90 days prior to expiration until the expiration date. Late renewal ends 90 days after the expiration date.
If the branch is operating under the same name as the licensed Business Entity, then the branch may be added to the existing license.
A business entity producer must report each change in legal or mailing address, email address, and phone number to the Commissioner within 30 days of occurrence. Contact Change Request Supported via NIPR Gateway. A business entity producer must report each change in the name and address of the licensed producer responsible for the business entity's compliance with Kansas insurance laws to the Commissioner within 30 days of occurrence.
Only Public Adjusters
Biennially on the last day of the adjuster's birth month in an even- or odd-numbered year depending on your year of birth. First time renewals won't be earlier than two years from your date of initial license.
Licensing Fee: $100, Fingerprinting Fee: $50
Only Residents
Continuing Education
2 years
Last day of birth month
Year of birth
Prior to license expiration.
90 days prior to expiration date
90 days prior to expiration date
If you haven't been licenses for a full two years by your first date of renewal, you will have an additional two years to complete licensure. Those only licensed to sell crop insurance are required to do 2 hours of CE. Those only licensed to sell title insurance are required to do 4 hours of CE.
Within 12 months of your license expiration, you can complete your CE, pay a $100 reinstatement fee, and pay a renewal fee to reinstate your license. If it has been more than a year but less than four years, you must be fingerprinted again, pay the $100 reinstatement fee, complete CE, and pay a $90 application fee. After four years, you will be considered to be applying as though you are a new producer and will have to retake any licensing exams.
3 hours of NFIP course
4-hour initial certification, with 1 hour CE each renewal period
One-time, 4-hour course
Regulatory Updates
Kansas Implements a Nonresident Individual Reinstatement Fee
Effective January 1, 2025, Kansas is implementing a reinstatement fee for nonresident licensing for individual applicants who are reapplying 91 days past the license expiration date up to one year past the license expiration date. The fee will be $150 ($100.00 Reinstatement + $50.00 Application Renewal Fee.)
Kansas Updating Application Fees
Effective January 1, 2025, Kansas will be updating application fees for resident agents, nonresident agents, and public adjusters as follows: Application Type Application Fee Amount Resident agent $15 Nonresident agent $50 Public Adjuster $100 Please see the link as follows for more information: [Kansas Register](https://sos.ks.gov/publications/Register/Volume-43/Issues/Issue-45/11-07-24-52640.html)
Kansas Issues 2025 Company Appointment Renewal Dates
Posted October 30, 2024, Kansas announces that the company appointment renewal invoices will be available for payment from January 2, 2025, to March 1, 2025. The termination deadline is December 26, 2024. Please see the attachment for cost information and the license classes allowed for appointment renewals.
Kansas Implements New Transaction Types to Process Designated Responsible Licensed Producer (DRLP)
Effective October 11, 2024, Kansas implemented new transaction types to process Designated Responsible Licensed Producers (DRLP).
Kansas Issues Summer Edition of Newsletter
On July 3, 2024, Kansas issued the summer edition of their newsletter. Please see attached,
Kansas Adding New Non Uniform Question
Effective July 15, 2024, Kansas will be waiving application fees for resident individual applicants who are the spouses of an active military service member. To determine if the applicant qualifies for a fee waiver the applicant will need to answer a new required non-uniform question (NUQ) in the Resident Licensing and Resident Renewal applications. The fee waiver is valid for the following individual applicants: Insurance Producer, Public Adjuster, Surplus Lines, Viatical Broker, Reinsurance Intermediary. If the applicant answers ‘Y’ to Key Value 5 fees will be waived for the application, reapplication, reinstatement, renewal, late renewal, and fingerprint fees. Insurance Producers will be responsible for the late renewal penalty. Please review the below table for more information.
Kansas Increases Fingerprint Fee
Effective July 1, 2024, Kansas is increasing the Fingerprint Fee from $50.00 to $60.00 in the Resident Licensing and Nonresident Licensing No Home State applications for license class 3 Insurance Producer.
Kansas Adding State and National Criminal History Record Check
Effective July 1, 2024, Kansas will require applicants to submit to state and national criminal history record check in addition to fingerprint requirement.
Kansas Implements New Transaction for Primary Name Updates
Effective April 26, 2024, a new transaction type will be implemented for Kansas to process individual and business entity primary name updates.
Kansas Updates Surplus Lines License Renewal Period
Effective March 1, 2024, Kansas is updating renewal period from 90 to 45 days for Surplus Lines applicants.
Kansas Insurance Department Removing Designated Responsible Licensed Producer Requirement for Reinsurance Intermediary Applicants
Effective February 16, 2024, Kansas to end requirement for Designated Responsible Licensed Producer (DLRP) for Reinsurance Intermediaries. They will still be required to answer Business Non Uniform Questions to identify the last name of the responsible party for the Reinsurance Intermediary license class.
Kansas Insurance Department Issued Guidance for Insurance Companies on Surplus Lines Tax Deduction
On December 8, 2023, Kansas Insurance Department Issued Guidance for Insurance Companies on Surplus Lines Tax Deduction. Surplus Lines tax rate to be reduced from 6% to 3% for tax year 2024 and after. New rate of 3% applicable to policies and policy endorsements after January 1, 2024. New and Renewal policies and endorsements effective prior to January 1, 2024 will remain at 6%. Please see attached for more informaiton.
Kansas Insurance Department Announces Fee Reduction for Several License Classes
**Individual and Business Fees** - Resident Licensing / Nonresident No Home State Licensing - Insurance Producer / Application Fee reduced from $30 to $15. - Nonresident Licensing - Insurance Producer / Application Fee reduced from $80 to $50. **Individual Fees** - Resident Licensing, Nonresident Licensing No Home State - Insurance Producer / Reaplication reduced from $180 to $165. - Nonresident Licensing - Insurance Producer/ Reapplication Fee reduced from $180 to $150. **Business Fees** - Resident Licensing - Credit, Car Rental and Portable Electronics reduced from $30 to $15. - Nonresident Licensing - Credit, Car Rental and Portable Electronics reduced from $80 to $50.
Kansas Sets 2024 Company Appointment Renewal Dates
The Kansas Department of Insurance Company Appointment Renewal Dates will be January 4, 2024 – March 1, 2024. Termination deadline is December 23, 2023.
Kansas to Prevent Amendments During the Reinstatement Period
Effective November 9th, 2023, Kansas will not allow amendments during the reinstatement period (91 days up to four years past the expiration date) for Resident Licensing and Nonresident No Home State Licensing applications.
Kansas Updated Existing Annuity Suitability and Best Interest Standard
Kansas has adopted updates to the annuity suitability standard, also known as the best interest standard. KAR 40-1-53 mirrors the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Suitability in Annuity Transactions Model Regulation #275, which was adopted in 2020. This regulation requires insurance producers to act in the best interest of their clients when engaging in the sales of annuity products. This regulation builds off of KAR 40-2-14a, which is the current annuity suitability standard in Kansas. On January 1, 2024, KAR 40-1-53** **will become effective and will be the new standard for producers. Information on producer licensing can be found on the state's Producer Licensing Application and Requirements page.
Kansas Limited Lines Travel Insurance Producer Licensing Requirement
For Residents and Nonresidents 2023 KS S.B. 85(NS) (Effective 1/1/2024) - 1) WHO MUST BE LICENSED - Added limited lines travel insurance producer licensing requirement. 2) LIMITED LINES: TRAVEL AGENT - a) Added the "limited lines travel insurance producer," "travel administrator," and "travel insurance" definitions. b) Added limited lines travel insurance producer licensing requirements. c) Added travel administrator licensing requirements. KS ST 40-4906 (Effective 7/1/2023) - Per 2023 KS H.B. 2090(NS) - 1) FEE SUMMARY - Specified that the producer application fee is "not to exceed" $30 and the biennial license fee is "not to exceed" $50. 2) INDIVIDUAL NONRESIDENT LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: APPLICATION - a) Specified that the producer application fee is "not to exceed" $30. b) Added producer application fee publication requirements. 3) LICENSE CONTINUATION: LICENSE TERM AND CONTINUATION - Specified that the renewal fee is not to exceed $50.
Kansas to Update Company License Types and add Third Party Administrator
Effective June 12, 2023, Kansas will add the license class of Third Party Administrator as well as modify company licensing data.
Kansas Reducing Tax Year 2024 Surplus Lines Premium Tax
Kansas surplus lines premium tax will be reduced from 6.0% to 3.0% effective tax year 2024. See attachment for full details.
Kansas Will Require Responsible Person For Non-Uniform Question
Effective February 10, 2023, Kansas will require business entity applicants for Pharmacy Benefit Manager (NRL and NRR) to provide a Responsible Person in response to the state specific NUQ. This change was announced effective October 1, 2022, in a notification on August 25, 2022, but was not fully enforced.
Kansas to Potentially Lower Surplus Tax Rate
Kansas has proposed legislation which will lower the surplus tax rate from 6% to 3%
Kansas Appointment Renewals Are Live
After a temporary delay, the Kansas appointment renewal window is now live
Kansas Sets 2022 Appointment Renewal Dates
The Kansas Appointment Renewal Dates will be January 2, 2023 – March 1, 2023. All appointments submitted after 12/31/2022 will be included in the 2024 renewal cycle.
Kansas Updates Resident License and No Home State Fingerprint Fee
On Nov. 18th, 2022, Kansas will decrease their fingerprint fee from $60 to $50 for Insurance Producers.
Kansas to Populate Original Appointment Date
Beginning on October 14, 2022, Kansas will populate the Original Appointment Date. Previously they were populating the appointment effective date in the PDB.
Kansas Adding License Class for Pharmacy Benefit Manager
Beginning on October 1, 2022, Kansas will offer a Pharmacy Benefit Manager License Class for resident licensing, nonresident licensing, resident licensing renewal, nonresident licensing renewal, no home state licensing, and no home state renewals
KS Publishes Approved Non-Admitted Carrier List
Kansas has published their list of approved non-admitted carriers list. - Southlake Specialty Insurance Corporation was added to the list
Kansas Upcoming DRLP Changes
Effective May 27, 2022, a DRLP must be entered for Resident License applications for a business entity. This does not apply for Car Rental, Credit, and Portable Electronics and the field should be left blank on the application.
Update – Kansas No Home State Implementation Effective 5/27/22
The no home state implementation (originally announced on April 20, 2022, will be delayed from May 15, 2022 to May 27, 2022.
Kansas to Implement No Home State for Licensing and Renewals
Kanas is offering No Home State licensing and renewals to Producers (Individual and Business) and Portable Electronics (Business) license classes.
Kansas Changes Business Entity License Number to NPN
On April 15, 2022, Kansas will update about 19,000 business entity licenses. The licenses impacted have a first active date prior to January 1, 2022. The change will update their existing license number to match their National Producer Number.
Kansas Adding Missing Appointment Records
NIPR is reporting that 150,000 Appointment records (active and terminated) were missing from the Producer Database as a result of a migration issue. This will be corrected tonight.
NIPR flags PDB Alert for Kansas NR License
For those holding a Kansas nonresident license, you may be seeing the 'crop' LOA incorrectly added to your license. This is an error that NIPR is working to correct. It is estimated this LOA will need to be removed from 48,000 licenses. Note this was not processed as planned and was changed to be effective January 15, 2022.
Surplus Lines Alert For Several Jurisdictions
Several states have released key information on Surplus Lines and can be found in the attached document.
Alert Noting Missing LOAs on Inactive Kansas Licenses
On January 10th PDB alerts will appear as a result of the Kansas conversion to state based systems. From the conversion, 400,000 lines did not migrate properly on inactive licenses. The impact of this is the PDB will not load these appointments. This announcement notes that the appointments were not deleted and this error is working on being corrected.
How Do I Get an Insurance License in Kansas?
How Do I Get a State Adjuster License in Kansas?
How do I renew insurance license in Kansas?
How do I renew my nonresident insurance license in Kansas?
How Do I renew My Non-Resident Adjuster License in Kansas?
How Do I Renew My Adjuster License In Kansas?